Python Cookbook, Third Edition
Packed with practical recipes written and tested with Python 3.3, this unique cookbook is for experienced Python programmers who want to focus on modern tools and idioms.
Tag(s): Python
Publication date: 01 Jun 2013
ISBN-10: 1449340377
ISBN-13: 9781449340377
Paperback: 706 pages
Views: 9,056
Python Cookbook, Third Edition
About The Author(s)
David M. Beazley is the owner of Dabeaz LLC at Chicago since 2008. His company mainly works on the development and use of open-source software development tools. He was a software engineering and analysis consultant (2005-2007), taught graduate courses in Operating Systems, Networks, and Compilers at the University of Chicago (1998-2005), and worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a computer scientist (1991-1997). He is also the creator of several well known programming libraries.
David M. Beazley is the owner of Dabeaz LLC at Chicago since 2008. His company mainly works on the development and use of open-source software development tools. He was a software engineering and analysis consultant (2005-2007), taught graduate courses in Operating Systems, Networks, and Compilers at the University of Chicago (1998-2005), and worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a computer scientist (1991-1997). He is also the creator of several well known programming libraries.
Brian K. Jones is Chief Technology Officer at AWeber Communications, Inc. He is also a frequent public speaker, community organizer, and technology trainer.